Pay with $SOL via FTX Pay

If I have helped you in any way feel free to buy me some beer or pizza, here are some ways you can donate!

Donations also accepted to these addresses:

Coin Address
BTCP b19RcWUqTE77EXBu87DT4taFQmKnzSischg
ZCL t1KDeaPDPrsmvwipke3He5YPZ1AQM82NhS8
LTC MRCZCtfpo3Vm1YXz3FrSpmqR8mQyBdFdQ9
ETH 0xe5D923caB105CbbDE1fFC421F635ff8E986C8231
BTC 3JfLcg4gKQApNPH3i8uJZ6KyqrFdQrUMig

NordVPN Offer that helps me out when you purchase!